Join The Renegade Team!

One of the best job opportunities in the CrossFit & Functional Fitness space in NZ.

Role: Coach and “Right-hand person” 


Renegade Fitness is one of the longest standing and largest Crossfit and Functional Fitness Gyms and Online coaching services in NZ, maybe even Australasia and we have space opening up on our team for a superstar coach and a people person.


With 4 locations (2 public and 2 corporate sites) + an online following, our size comes a stream of opportunities to earn great money doing what you love: Coaching CrossFit & Functional Fitness.


We definitely biased but this is one of the best opportunities there is in the functional fitness space in NZ.


Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way:

  1.  We hustle – Sometimes this means that you may coach a class at 5:15 in the morning and then have one on one clients until 7:30 pm, but with that comes the reward of earning that extra $. 


  1. We die for the business and would expect you to as well. We are looking for someone who will go the extra mile.


  1. That’s all I can think of.

    Now let’s talk about the good stuff:


Opportunities to earn more $$$ through the way our business is structured.

Over the past 10 years, we have structured the gym to make sure coaches have the best opportunity to create a career for themselves. We know that coaching 20 classes per week is not enough to live on and we don’t want you getting a job at Mc Donalds so you can make ends meet, so we help to facilitate you in making a living for yourself through additional income streams such as nutrition coaching, personal training, inducting new clients, retention work and much more.


Live the life of a professional athlete


Working here has proven to be an effective way to live the dream of being a professional athlete, (Several of our coaches have qualified for the CrossFit games and one for the Olympics) You can structure your day to allow you to train when it suits you towards your chosen athletic pursuit.


The work doesn’t really feel like work


You get to hang out with awesome people all day and help them become epic at life, change their habits and change their limiting beliefs about their health and fitness. It is truly an epic day, every day. It sure beats sitting in a cubical or working from home by yourself staring at a screen all day.


The hours are pretty flexible.    


While some days may be busy the hours are flexible, and we have a team that can fill in where need be.  


Now let’s talk about the job requirements: 


We are looking for someone confident that can command attention.

We are a big gym so that means some of our classes are big too. If you are timid they will eat you alive… in a nice way. But seriously you have to be able to control a room of 30 people sometimes.


You need to be able to sell yourself, and then sell us

Part of the job is helping people realise that we can solve all their health and fitness problems. We are pretty confident we can. This is otherwise known as selling. If you don’t like selling or are at least ready to learn to overcome your fear of selling then this won’t be a good fit for you.


You need to be the type of person who gets joy out of getting things done.

Every day, you will bang out a list of stuff. Fun stuff. Important stuff. Necessary stuff. You love lists, managing projects, and checking things off diligently…and maybe you’re even one of those people who will write things onto the list just so you can check them off. That’s great, We love people like you!


We are looking for someone who can help us achieve our vision

This means project management, how can we improve the product that we deliver to people? How can we help people learn about our products? We will come up with ideas together and you will be responsible for executing them so you need to be able to think strategically about the bigger picture + how the project  fits in, as well as be a good writer + communicator 


You will be emailing + messaging with customers + the team. 

So, you need to enjoy talking with people and giving/getting direction, and be able to do it with love + empathy…even if you’re having a shit day. 


You need to be a person who loves to deliver remarkable experiences to other people. 

You are obsessed with giving an amazing customer experience and love making people feel heard, understood, and helped. You need to be someone who feels good by making other people feel good. 


You need to nail down the details. 

You don’t need to race through work and get things done half-assed (I’ve figured that one out myself). I need you to have an eye for the bigger picture + how things fit together and be able to nail the details that match and get them done right.


You need to be able to think strategically 

Bring ideas for opportunities that we haven’t yet seen or taken advantage of to drive the business forward. Then you need to be able to map it out and execute those ideas alongside the team.  Think: new opt-ins, improving funnels, re-engagement campaigns, JVs – anything that you see we can be doing better that will help Renegade grow.


You love to organise things 

That may feel currently chaotic (aka our google drive) and make them work way better than I ever could have. And you work well when given an outcome. 


You love numbers + tracking things 

We need to know how things are working or performing in the business. You need to be excited (or at least not afraid) to dig into various analytics and throw them into a google spreadsheet.


You’re a bit of a ninja at managing a project

Understanding the details, moving things forward, executing tasks + delegating effectively along the way to bring our ideas to life. You never miss a beat when it comes to a to-do list. 


In short, your job is so much more than being a coach it’s a role to help us in any way you can drive our mission forward + continue to free us up from questions, decisions, and the things I don’t need to be involved in. 


What’s not expected: Perfection, tools and skills are teachable you will get shit wrong but as long as you own it and learn from it then that’s fine by us. 

What we expect intelligence, energy, organisation, resourcefulness and a get it done attitude. 


Some specific requirements:

Crossfit Level 1 

Nutrition coaching cert (Precision Nutrition or similar can be achieved as soon as you start) 


In addition to being a detailed person, you must follow systems and processes. In fact, just to prove that you are detail-oriented and can follow procedures when you apply for this position in the subject line of the email you must include “I have found my dream job”. Yeah, that’s our little trick to sort out the people who blanket send their resume to anyone and everyone, from the folks (that’s you) who are truly interested in this position.


We are looking to bring our new team member on board as soon as possible, but I will spend the necessary time to find the best fit both in abilities and culturally. One thing that will give you a BIG leg up (but is optional) is to send a quick video along with your resume. In your video tell me why you think you’re perfect for this job and why you will be amazing in this position. This is purely for me to get a sense of your personality. And if you decide not to send a video (that’s ok), please tell me why you chose not to send in a video. 


Looking forward to meeting you!


To learn more about Renegade click here:


Pay structure:



This job has a base amount of classes 10 per week (Minimum) + a base amount of project-related work to complete each week. 

Annual base Income $27500.00 – $31200.00 (48 week year)

This is what you can expect as your absolute minimum income.

Then on top of that, you have the opportunity to leverage our client base and brand and help them with:

  • Nutrition coaching 
  • Skill-based personal training sessions
  • Inducting new gym members 
  • Workshops
  • Plus anything you can think of that our communities could benefit from

To give you a bit of a forecast a coach that has a small client base of Pts and Nutrition clients could expect to earn 75k per year.

A coach that has a large base of Pts and Nutrition clients would expect to earn 100k per year. (This is not unrealistic) 

After you base income it’s all relative to your performance. If you have what it takes and can retain clients you will earn great money.


This is the opportunity of a lifetime to have some financial security as well as being able to pursue your dream of being a health and fitness professional.